Holly’s Corner: “A dragon, a star and an albino walk into a bar…”

My son requested dragon fruit last night. This is the same kid who eats rice crispies every morning for breakfast and only drinks water. I was excited to buy something different for him to try. I mentioned it that afternoon to my hairdresser and another lady spoke up and suggested I buy the yellow dragon fruit, it is much sweeter than the pink one. I appreciated the unsolicited tip.

When I got to the store, I inquired with the produce person about trying the $3.99 pink or yellow dragon fruit. He wasn’t sure and asked his colleague. She immediately said to get the yellow one, confirming it was sweeter. She then suggested I buy a $3.99 star fruit… you can eat it just like an apple. Ok, why not. And then I asked about the albino looking strawberries, which are called pineberries or Berry de Blanc if you want to sound bougie. She said they were a mix of a pineapple and strawberry and 10 oz at $3.99 they were a steal. She said they were good and as the produce person, I valued her opinion.

Twelve dollars later I came home with three different fruits to try. My family ranked pineberries as #1, yellow dragon fruit #2 and the star fruit #3. I do not recommend eating the star fruit as an apple. Part of it’s appeal is when you cut it into slices, it looks like a star. The star fruit looked the best with the most aesthetic appeal and yet came in third for taste. The cool thing is as a family activity we all tried three new fruits and it led us to discover a new fruit we all liked.

What does unusual and expensive fruit have to do with health and wealth? Yes, we should eat more natural fruit and less processed sugars. Buying a $4 piece of fruit every day might not be the best bang for your buck.

Maybe you are in a rut with your fitness routine… or maybe you are fine but if you had the Berry de Blanc of fitness, just something a little new, a little intriguing, it would inspire you to move differently, move more or stretch more. Recently I received a bike attachment to run my dog while I bike. So fun and such a different activity for me and great exercise for my dog.

And what if you had the Berry de Blanc opportunity for your wealth? Would it invigorate you? Would it keep your less exciting and less volatile diversified portfolio intact? Try it, not with all of your money but some. Typically, I recommend if you invest in a concentrated position, only invest what you are willing to lose.

Holly Tyrrell is a wife, mother to Jack (11) and Luke (10) and Life Strategist with Legacy Trust Family Wealth Offices.  She loves making memories with family & friends, reading, working out, beach time, clean water, champagne, good food & Jesus.


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Legacy Trust Family Wealth Offices of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, is a new type of financial services firm - an independent multi-family office - that brings all facets of your personal financial affairs under one roof, where they are coordinated for optimum efficiency and maximum performance. 

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